Formleg skil íbúða eiga sér stað á skrifstofunni okkar þar sem þú fyllir út skilablað með helstu upplýsingum, undirritar og afhendir okkur lyklana að íbúðinni. Áður en skilar íbúðinni þarft þú að:
- Empty the apartment completely and clean it.
- Announce the transfer of electricity meters to Veitur. If you need information on the number of the electricity meter that belongs to your apartment, you can call Veitur on tel. 516-6000, provide your ID number and have the meter number provided.
You can use three ways to report a move – in all cases, state that Félagsbústaðir owns the apartment and is taking over the electricity meter (ID no. 510497-2799):
- You can fill out a transfer notification and include a photo of the meter here
- You can send a photo of the meter with your address, name and ID number to
- You can call Veitur’s customer service on 516-6000 and notify them about the transfer.