In order to ensure a successful coexistence in apartment buildings, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Félagsbústaðir put emphasis on ensuring that communities in apartment buildings are welcoming, that people are considerate of each other and that they generally feel good. When signing a lease, service consultants inform new tenants of the general rules of conduct in apartment buildings as well as duties and responsibilities that come with living with others in an apartment building. 

In order to ensure a successful coexistence, it is especially important to ensure that you:

  • Show consideration to others, be careful to not disturb other residents and never make noise, commotion, listen to loud music and or have unnecessary coming and going in common areas between 22:00 at night and 08:00 in the morning.
  • Keep common areas tidy and not store your belongings, packaging, rubbish or anything else in common areas, bicycle storages or other shared areas. Store motorcycles, without exception, outdoors, and store car tyres in storage rooms and bicycles in bicycle storage areas. Throw rubbish in the rubbish bin or take it to Sorpa. 
  • Follow the rules for animal-keeping in apartment buildings. Félagsbústaðir generally approve the keeping of animals in the company’s apartments but draws attention to the fact that keeping animals in apartment buildings is always subject to the approval of other residents, according to Article 33 a. of the Act on Multi-Owner Buildings No. 26/1994, and is subject to the approval of 2/3 of the owners who have a common entrance or staircase.
  • Carry out common responsibilities, where appropriate, which usually involves vacuuming the stairwell, mopping the floors, cleaning windows as well as cleaning and replacing rubbish bins. 
  • Take special care that the smell of cigarette smoke does not escape into the stairwell or common areas and make sure that smoking does not affect your neighbors. 

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